Most of the web hosting and domain providers are very difficult to cancel services with. It seems to me that once they have you hooked, they have their claws in for the good. While it’s always up to you, the cancellation process is not as clear as you may expect.
In this article today, we’re showing you the simple process to say goodbye to GoDaddy. This article will be very useful to you if you’re looking forward to moving away from GoDaddy to another provider.
The option to cancel a service definitely exists for all of your accounts in “My Products” section. But apparently, the process is a bit tedious. Following the steps below will help you achieve deleting your account.
How to Delete GoDaddy Account?
It’s not very difficult to cancel a service with GoDaddy. They’ve got a provisioning process for it all. In a few simple steps, your GoDaddy service can be permanently deleted.
You’ll just need to make sure that you’ve got a backup of your account. The following steps will show you how to delete GoDaddy account permanently. So be careful.
If it happens that you canceled a hosting account without taking a backup, your website data will be lost forever. Please take care of your steps.
Step 1: Backup all your files
First of all, you will need to take a full backup of your website details. In case it’s a domain name, you will need to take your EPP code and make sure you’ve placed a transfer request with another provider.
It is essential that you save your website content and files. As we’ve mentioned, once the hosting account is deleted, everything in it will also be erased. So it’s very important to save what you need.
Step 2: Login to GoDaddy Client Portal
You will then need to login to your GoDaddy client portal with your username and password. Once there, click this icon in the upper-right corner that says “Account Settings“.
In there, click on the “Renewals and Billing” box. You will be able to get all the necessary information for your current active services. You will also be able to decide which service you will cancel.
Step 3: Select the Product for Cancelation
All your services with GoDaddy will be listed here along with all the information related to each service. To cancel service, you will need to mark the checkbox related to that service and hit “Cancel Renewal” button.
Step 4: Confirm & Delete
A new pop-up will appear detailing your account. In the right lower corner of this pop-up, click the “Delete my product” button for a permanent cancelation.
Confirm your cancellation in the next pop-up that will appear. Mark the checkbox to complete your request and hi “Send Email”. You’ll then receive another email notice for a final confirmation.
Step 4: Final Email Confirmation
When you receive the “Are you sure?” email, open it and click Yes, I Want to Delete! We’ll take you back to your account. Click “Delete product” and you’ll be done. We’ll confirm that your product is deleted from the account.
How To Delete my GoDaddy account itself?
Now, the above procedure enables you to delete a service account from your GoDaddy like; domain name, cPanel web hosting, ..etc. There may be a slight difference in the steps but the overall basic procedure is the same.
In case you want to delete the entire payee account altogether. This will require you to remove every service that you have in “Your GoDaddy Account” individually. You can find them all listed in the “Renewals & Billing” page.
The procedure is basically the same as given earlier. You will just need to repeat it again and again for every single service you’ve got with them.
Please be noted that in most cases, There will be no refunds for any remaining unused time. So be prepared for that before starting the cancelation process.
Also, GoDaddy may ask you for a survey question to be answered as for why you’re canceling services with them. These feedbacks help them to improve the service quality & support.
In case of any problems, GoDaddy can be emailed or called by telephone through their Support Center. They have also got a live chat system that will definitely help you right away.
That was everything on how to cancel a service with GoDaddy and delete your account. Again, be noted that these actions are permanent and cannot be reversed. Taking a backup is very necessary here.
Please let us know shall you’ve got any questions or concerns. We would definitely love to help you further. Feel free to leave us comments below for further assistance.
Images credit: GoDaddy help center