
7 Best Influential Web Hosting Forums

With so many web hosting companies available, making a decision on the best web host for you can be tough. But there is no better way than looking at genuine and unbiased reviews from other customers. These reviews can basically be found on web hosting forums.

Web Hosting forums are great places to learn about the industry. You will always get a chance to get discounts and amazing exclusive offers for the great services. Such communities are awesome to get an instant hands-on experience.

Besides, web hosting forums helps you to understand how it all works. You can easily interact with the community for a specific question or an inquiry and get answers for. If you’re into starting your website, I definitely recommend joining a web hosting community.

Best Web Hosting Forums:

In this article, I’m sharing with you a number of the best influential web hosting forums available on the internet. Grab your coffee and start surfing the web with these awesome online communities about the web hosting industry.

1. WebHostingTalk:

In addition to web host recommendations and talks on past experiences, there is web hosting news from around the globe. You will also find valuable information on cloud computing, grid computing, dedicated server providers, reseller hosting among others.

It’s completely free to register on the forums. And if you’re joining as a premium or corporate member, there will be additional charges for the membership. Th premium accounts gives you an edge if you’re a web hosting business or a corporate representative.

2. LowEndTalk:

The forum is well organized. Previous discussions have been categorized into a menu making it easy to access all the categories flawlessly. You will get access to hosting reviews, companies, providers, tutorials, offers, and much more without much headache.

There is a category containing updates on outages as well. It also has a hosting companies directory which includes the company’s locations and offerings. Discussions and debates on this forum are impartial. You can easily find recommendations on cheap shared or VPS hosting providers.

3. HostSearch Forums:


With a pool of experts in various matters concerning web hosting, the threads on HostSearch Forums are an excellent source of information. Users are allowed to ask questions and share experiences on different aspects in the web hosting industry.

You can read posts and learn more about reselling web hosting, VPS, cloud hosting, dedicated, managed and exchange hosting. You can also find web hosting discount coupons, web hosting offers, tools, and software solutions.

4. TheWebHosting Dir:

If you have any question regarding a web hosting or need reviews regarding a web hosting company, TheWebHostingDir is the ideal forum. Rather than hold discussions, they prefer that members use questions.

There is a list of the top best companies according to customers’ experience. This site is considered to be the largest web hosting companies directory available on the internet. It is easy to use and the web hosting discount offers from various companies are juicy.

5. CheapHosting Forum:


The discussions on CheapHostingForum revolve around customer’s experience and reviews of various hosts. Stay updated with security advice, outage updates, and important web hosting alerts from members.

Expect to find a variety of cheap dedicated web hosting services, shared hosting, both high end and low end virtual servers, and coupons. This community forums is another influential web hosting forum among those available on the internet.

6. WebHosting Café:


This forum contains discussions on general issues related to hosting, a list of various web hosting, domain, and web design offers. You could also get members to review your new website or web elements and get help choosing a domain name.

It is a great forum to not just get help hosting your website, but building it as well. The forum is relatively new compared to the other forums on the list, yet it’s very active and getting popular very fast.

7. WebHosting Chat:


The Web Hosting Chat is a friendly community of tech geeks and website hosting users seeking and offering advice on dedicated server, VPS, virtualization and cloud hosting, domain names, and security issues.

You can also find valuable information related to Linux, Unix, and Windows, as well as a list of the best web hosts and online backup providers. This is another great web hosting forum to join and get into like-minded people in the web hosting industry.

In Conclusion:

When using these forums, stick to the rules and regulations to avoid getting kicked out. Stay alert for offers, discounts, and coupons from web hosting providers. It could help you save a lot of money.

That was it all about the best web hosting forums on the internet. If you’re interested in building up a website or hosting one, it would be very wise to join a couple of these communities and get to learn more about the services, providers, and the overall industry.

1 comment

  1. David

    January 6, 2024

    Love to see many unseen forums. I think TheWebHostingDir is no longer exists.

    I think web hosting forum is also good forum.

    HostSearch traffic is less than 5k per month.

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